Monday, June 28, 2010

Why Not?

This week I'm going to road-trip up to Redmond. Normally, I would think it's crazy to travel three states to go to a tournament where I'm not even going to play. However, Potlatch is my favorite tournament ever. I've never been to Kaimana, Paganello, Poultry Days, Nationals, or Worlds, but until I do (and maybe even after I do), Potlatch will stay #1.

Potlatch is best of every thing that I love about ultimate - the best athletes, the best parties, the best silliness, and some of my best friends. It's a great feeling of escape from everything. For three days, the fields become your home. The festival atmosphere and quality of competition has had me playing some of the best ultimate I've ever played in the past. You roll out of your tent in the morning, and you're standing right on the fields. Play. Float down the river. Party. Repeat.

Unfortunately, this year, worlds fall on the same weekend so spectating highest level games might not be quite as good, but I don't think I'll mind too much. It might be nice to be able to walk around and watch some different games a little more than I've been able to in the past. Maybe I won't be as tired by the end as I have in the past. Last year, it took me about a week to recover.

I'm looking forward to the drive up just as much as the tourney itself, too. We're going to leave on Tuesday and take our time, and see some of the sights along the way. We're going to spend most of a day at Scout's cabin in the woods doing outdoorsy kind of things like fishing and hiking. I fully expect this next week to be awesome.