Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ankle Update

I finally got through to my doctor and got his opinion on my MRI. It's what we suspected it to be, a torn peroneal retinaculum. There are signs of a bad sprain, but not much else beyond that.

My doctor thinks that there's a 60-70% chance that my ankle will heal on its own without surgery. Of course, that leaves a significant chance that I will spend a bunch of time in a cast, and then in rehab only to find that it didn't heal properly and then have to start over again. However, my doc thinks that the best course is to try to let it heal on it's own, and I guess I agree with him.

The thought of another 4 weeks in a cast if it doesn't work out is really scary, but I'm pretty optimistic about my healing powers. I guess the best thing I can do is try to stay off of it, eat well and get plenty of rest.