Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ankle Update

I'm finally free of my cast!

That thing was absolutely awful - it was dirty, broken and smelly. I scrubbed my leg and foot for about ten minutes in the bath tub as soon as I got home.

I'm now in a walking boot, but I'm not supposed to start walking for about a week still. The tendons and ligament on the back of my foot are contracted and tight, and I need to ease my foot back into a flat position over the coming week with a series of pads under my heel.

I have some good news and some bad news:

Bad: It's still not clear whether my ankle is healed, or will heal fully. It probably won't be for another 3 weeks or so. Basically, if it pops out of place, I get cut and I start over.

Good: I could make it back for Regionals if I do heal properly.

I'm going to have to stay disciplined and stay off it to allow it to properly heal. It feels exposed and fragile when I take it out of the boot, but I know I'm going to be tempted to push it. Knowing myself, if it's not fully healed, I'll discover it sooner rather than later.

Anyway, I'm in good spirits now that I have the fiberglass off my leg, and I'm super excited for our road trip to Centex.

Pools below:

I just wish I could play. Maybe with a little luck I'll get to play against some of those teams at nationals.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the holstering it. It's one of the hardest things when your brain calmly says stop, but the rest of you screams PLAY! I've been there, it sucks, but years and years of playing are not worth jeapordizing. Take my word for it.

    Or don't

    Also, before or after the tourney, and congrats on the first ever Smaug CENTEX bid by the way, how about updating the alumni with some pre-championship series hype?

    Cheers Vector,

